Meet Karstan and Maxine who travel in 1968 Kombi Van + Facts
As a people, we have many dreams like a luxury mansion, vehicles, etc. But what about being a nomad in an old 1968 Kombi with a little baby girl? Here we found a couple like that, meet Karstan and Maxine from Australia.
Their their net worth is not reviled yet as of 2023, but they are earning considerable amount from YouTube. Their channel has over 25K subscribers on YouTube. But the fact is they have just started their nomadic life and their first video was uploaded titled “CAMERON CORNER with a BABY!” January 18, 2022. In a short time, they have grown fast with several travel vlogs.
Karstan and Maxine biography
Karstan is 36 years old and Maxine is in her 30s as of 2023. Their birthday and and other personal information not found in public domains now. It seems they like to keep their personal information privately. They have a cute daughter named Zuri together. The couple is Australian on nationality.
G’day… 👋🏻 we’re Karstan, Max and Zuri! We are full time on the road and just seeing where each day takes us! We love going to remote and unique destinations and sharing the reality of life on the road.
Karstan And Maxine
Family and relationships
The only relationship we found is their daughter Zuri. They didn’t talk about their parents and siblings yet in their videos yet. Before they have Zuri they travel in Asia and Europe in their 20s. In 2009 they bought their Kombi van and began van life. When they back to Australia they bring the Kombi van too.
Since then they are traveling beautiful and specials places in Australia but their YouTube journey is started in six month before on January 2022. Now you may wonder why about Kombi van under family and relationships topic. Actually Karstan and Max’s best friend is the Kombi Van.
Karstan and Maxine net worth
You may wonder how they makes money. They earn their income by YouTube channel views and affiliations. But their net worth is not reviled yet as of 2023.
Social media
Karstan and max active on Facebook, TikTok, Instagram and YouTube. They have more than 65K followers in Instagram and they share their travel life on Instagram.
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